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Clearer Skin with Compounding

Clearer Skin with Compounding

Anyone who has ever struggled with unsightly acne, from the teenage years to beyond, knows how frustrating it can be to wake up day after day while trying all types of supposed cures with little result. However, there is still hope for even those with the most unforgiving of skin. Here are some of our best tips to clearing up your acne as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Mind Your Makeup: Many people with certain skin types can be faced with a terrible dilemma, and feel like they need to choose between looking pretty by wearing makeup, or keeping their pores clog-free without. The problem with that line of thinking is that it ignores the fact that wearing makeup and having clogged pores will lead to acne, which isn’t pretty either! If you are struggling with facial breakouts, try taking a break from your foundation, even if temporary. You may be shocked at the results, and so will everyone else when they see your natural and acne-free beauty shining through.

Exfoliating Bliss: Popular and effective exfoliating products often share a lot of their chemical compounds with medicated acne treatments, and work just as well if used regularly! Even daily use of exfoliators can have a tremendous impact on your acne problem.  Drawing any of the blackheads or other hardened substances out of your pores through exfoliating is a great way to squash your acne in its tracks. You will want to be cautious of over exfoliation especially when using a products containing retinoids.

Hands Off: No matter what you do, don’t touch your face. Touching your face is a terrible way to get acne because it’s totally preventable, and you likely don’t even realize you’re doing it. All of the germs and grease on your fingers are automatically transferred onto your sensitive facial pores. The more you think about how much you touch your face, the more self-conscious you will be about it, and then likely stop because of that consciousness.

Smooth Skin Sun Screen: Everybody knows that the regular application of sunscreen is one of the best ways to keep your skin looking healthy long into your old age. But did you know that choosing the wrong sunscreen can have a serious impact on your acne population? Chemical sunscreens can irritate sensitive skin, causing it to get red and inflamed, overall stressing the skin itself and causing all types of issues, including acne. Opt instead for a mineral (like zinc) based sunscreen, which will deflect the sun’s UV rays rather than heat them up onto you.

While there is so much conflicting conventional and new wisdom out there when it comes to keeping your skin clean and blemish free, these are some surefire tips that will keep your acne out of business for a long time to come. Give it a try and let us know what you think!

For more information about your friendly compounding pharmacy and the many services that we can provide for you and your family, give us at Kress Specialty Apothecary a call today at 856-323-8723 or stop by our office. We would be happy to give you more information and work to create a plan that works best for all your needs. Call today!