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Fitness Trackers: Every Step Counts

Fitness Trackers: Every Step Counts

Fitness tracker

Whether you’re looking to shed a few pounds or get more active, fitness trackers are leading the way to better health and can help you reach your goals. The fitness tracking movement is alive and well—everywhere you look people are logging their every step. In fact, a recent survey reported that 58% percent of women either own or intends to buy one of these devices.

Tracking the number of steps taken, caloric intake, distance traveled, heart rate, and sleep patterns are only a few of the benefits provided by fitness trackers. These devices combine the key ingredients for motivating people to reach their health goals. Studies have proven that this technology, along with physical exercise, can help people to become more aware of their daily activity level, maintain a healthier lifestyle, and aid in weight loss.

These fitness gadgets help individuals get a better understanding of their activity and exercise on a daily basis. The numbers show the reality of an individual’s movement, or lack thereof, and motivates them to get moving throughout the day. These devices encourage people to make an effort to incorporate more walking into their day. Perhaps tracking steps may making it more rewarding to walk to the café around the corner to grab your daily cup of coffee instead of driving or maybe now you are motivated to walk to work instead of taking the subway.

Fitness trackers also allow users to set individually-tailored goals. Whether it be losing ten pounds, adding general movement into the day, or training for a 5K, tracking your exercise, fuel, and sleep are vital to learn how to achieve any goal. With these devices, it is easy to monitor changes over a period of time and see improvements when doing different workout regimes.

Along with a nutritious diet, dietary supplements, and activity, a fitness tracker can help you lead a healthy lifestyle. It is important to avoid being sedentary for long periods of time. Many fitness trackers feature handy reminders to encourage you to get moving. Moving for only five minutes every hour has been to proven to increase overall well-being. Make sure these reminders are on and don’t ignore them!

If you are interested in investing in a fitness tracking, there is one disclaimer you should be aware of–many people expect too much from the devices. In order to see results, it’s vital to approach your new gadget with the right mindset. Just strapping a tracker on your wrist will not make you fit. A fitness tracker is a tool, which if used correctly, can keep you honest and motivate you to reach your goals. It cannot exercise for you or motivate an unmotivated person.

If you are looking to boost your overall health or need a push for weight loss, Kress Specialty Apothecary has the right product for you. Call or stop by Kress Specialty Apothecary if you have questions about any of our products or services to help you reach your fitness goals.