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What you Need to Know When Shopping for Vitamins

What you Need to Know When Shopping for Vitamins


A walk down the vitamin aisle can make anyone’s head spin. Which brand should I buy? Are the more expensive ones better? Should I get a multivitamin or supplement? Should I stick with name brand vitamins? Well, here’s what you should know when you’re shopping for vitamins.

Taking a daily multivitamin is a great way to help you get all the key nutrients your body needs to be healthy. But, keep in mind that they are only a good “backup” to ensuring proper nutrition. It is more important to choose healthy foods and maintain a diet rich in natural vitamins and minerals. Try to include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and healthy oils in your diet every day.

When it comes to vitamins, you want to avoid getting too much of a good thing. Nutritionists recommend choosing a daily multivitamin rather than mega-dose vitamins and mega-fortified foods.  Look for a multivitamin with a USP stamp. These products meet the requirements set by the United States Pharmacopeia and contain the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) in a daily dose. It’s not necessary to take more than the recommended amounts.

According to a study by, price is not a sign of quality in vitamins. In fact, some of the pricier vitamins failed to meet industry standards. found that more than 21 of the multis they tested either contained more than the recommended daily allowance of certain vitamins or were contaminated with dangerous substances. A majority of multis that are considered to be dietary supplements are not required to undergo rigorous testing procedures. Since there are no uniform manufacturing rules for supplements, multis can be contaminated, have tainted ingredients, and fail to contain what the bottle claims.

When shopping for vitamins, check the bottles for either the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), NSF, or (CL) seal. The stamps indicate that the product is free of contamination and that the company maintains adequate manufacturing processes.

Choose vitamins with mainstream names to be safe. Name brand vitamins, such as Centrum and One-A-Day, are generally more reliable. However, if you are looking for a more cost efficient option, feel free to choose a generic vitamin, as long is it has the seal that indicates the product is accurately labeled and free of impurities.

Call Kress Specialty Apothecary to learn more about our vitamin and pharmacy services. (856) 323-8723.